Our Guide to Keeping Your Succulents and Cacti Alive

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You thought they were supposed to be the easiest to take care of. You swore up and down that you hardly had to do anything to them. But still, they died. Sound familiar? If it does—don’t worry; you’re not alone. The best of us have accidentally killed succulents and cacti, whether it be through overwatering, under-watering, or not enough light. Read on to find out how to keep your desert plants in optimal shape, especially through fall and winter weather. 



As desert plants, succulents and cacti should really only be watered once their soil is dry all the way down. With such small roots, succulents are prone to root rot, and it’s best to err on the side of under-watering than to water too frequently. We recommend watering succulents roughly every two-to-three weeks, giving a thorough soak until water runs out the bottom of your planter.

Cacti, which thrive in desert conditions and are powerhouses for storing water, can go even longer without a drink—you could water them about once every few weeks to once a month, on average. 

“Remember: when in doubt, drought.” 

During fall and winter, when there won’t be as much natural light for them to take in, watering can be drastically reduced. Watering your cacti thoroughly about once every month or two will ensure their survival, while helping prevent them from stretching towards the light. Larger succulents can be watered similarly during the colder months.



The other key factor in successfully keeping succulents and cacti alive, is light (and plenty of it). Succulents and cacti have evolved to survive in arid environments — think deserts, plains, savannas, and other regions. They’re used to sweltering temperatures and having the full sun beat down on them. Because of this, they need as much light indoors as possible. Unobstructed south and west-facing windows usually provide ideal light for succulents and cacti.

During the spring and summer, you can also keep most of your succulents and cacti outside in full sun for them to reap the benefits (just make sure they are in a planter with a drainage hole). During winter, keep them as close to a non-drafty window as you can to allow them to take in as much light as possible. 


Succulents and cacti do best in soil that doesn’t hold onto water for too long. Since both types of plants are extremely adept at storing a reserve of water for themselves in their leaves and stems, they don’t need their potting mix to retain a ton.

Using extra soil amendments—like orchid bark, horticultural charcoal, gravel, and pumice—in addition to a base mix of potting soil will mimic the conditions these plants grow in outdoors, greatly decreasing the chances of them developing root rot.


With these tips in mind, hopefully you understand the needs of succulents and cacti more. If there are any unanswered questions you have, feel free to ask down below!

Written by: Egan Thorne
Photos by: Emily Kellett